Sunday 12 June 2011


A therapeutic nutritional preparation used for gut effects favoring growth of normal bacterial flora and not favoring growth of pathogenic organisms.In other words prebiotics are nutrients which selectively feed the friendly bacteria in the gut.

A quality prebiotic supplement should contain at least three grams of dietary fiber and features additional nutrients that selectively feed the friendly bacteria. These include fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a family of short-chain carbohydrates that deliver an immediate food source to nourish friendly bacteria; and inulin, long-chain carbohydrates that also provide nutrients for beneficial microflora.

Other nutrients in good quality prebiotics include Jerusalem artichoke, a vegetable containing a natural source of inulin and FOS, as well as gamma tocopherol (related to alpha-tocopherol, the most well-known member of the vitamin E family), found in relatively high levels in colon cells. Studies have shown that dietary intake of vitamin E, and particularly gamma-tocopherol, may reduce levels of potentially toxic oxidation products in the colon.

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